Volunteer Spotlight Event

Championing Volunteers

On a drizzly November day, an audience were treated to a wonderful evening of warmth and entertainment as they reflected on the great work of the many volunteer organisations based in Halesworth. The Volunteer Spotlight Event was held at the Cut Arts Centre, expertly put together by Gabrielle Maughan and compered by the talented Dean Parkin. The event drew attention to the many volunteer organisations that operate in and around Halesworth. These organisations offer important services to the people of the town such as warm rooms, community larder, mental health support, advice for carers, wellbeing groups as well as carefully looking after the open spaces of Halesworth such as Millennium Green and the towns floral displays. Much of this important work is done under the radar and often goes unnoticed.

This event was an opportunity to champion the volunteers that put so much of their time and effort in to Halesworth and its community. Word must also be spread about the falling number of volunteers participating within these groups and encourage more folks to join up. Whether it be a regular weekly commitment or an hour or two a month, the groups are in desperate need of more members to continue their important work.


During the event at the Cut, the wonderful voices of many local choirs were heard, actors and theatre groups performed short plays which had the desired effect of making the audience giggle, or ponder. A highlight for the Town Council representatives was the ‘Got to paint a bollard or two’ musical number! There was poetry and music and recitations, all woven together by Dean.

The Tamsyn Imison Award for Volunteering

The event was concluded by the giving of the Tamsyn Imison Award for Volunteering. The Award was presented by Joyce Moseley, Chair of Halesworth Town Council, alongside Michael Imison, the late Tamsyn’s husband. This years award went to the very deserving team at the Community Larder. The Community Larder is based at St Marys Church Hall and is open to everyone Monday, Wednesday & Saturday mornings 10-11.30am Tinned, packaged and some fresh food and sundries are available to all. The community and businesses of Halesworth are also kind enough to donate items when they can. The Larder is manned by a team of dedicated volunteers who not only help people find what they need but also offer an important listening ear, a cup of tea when needed, and can signpost users in the right direction should they need further help.

If you would like to join one of Halesworth’s many valued Volunteer organisations, then Halesworth Volunteers is a good point of contact. You can find their details, and details of other Volunteer organisations listed on the Community page of this website. Click the button below.